Department Of Panchakarma
Panchakarma department is a highly specialized department of DMAMCHRA. Panchakarma is the process of purification, rejuvenation, cleansing and balancing human body. Panchakarma is a combination of five therapeutic methods. Panchakarma therapy increases digestive fire, alleviates diseases, activates the body and mind functions, creates a healthy mind and body, potentiates pleasantness of sensory organs, builds the body, enhances complexion of the body, creates an atmosphere of pleasantness in the body and mind, increases vitality power in man.
- Department takes effort to guide students to learn authentic Panchakarma Procedures in a Practical way.
- We strive hard to treat chronic disorders by way of Panchakarma Therapy.
- We follow and also study the Standard Operating Procedures while conducting Panchkarama as per Samhita.
- We are proactive in providing all the assistance for creating Educational Material related to Panchakarma e. g. VCD or DVD pattern.