Department Of Prasutitantra-Striroga Department
The subject of Prasutitantra & striroga comes in third year of BAMS course. From this year students will start gaining knowledge of actual clinical practices. The subject compiles of prasutitantra- the branch of ayurveda which deals with pregnancy, labour & post partum diseases & striroga- the branch of ayurveda which deals with the diseases of female reproductive system.
Students will get exposure to prasuti & striroga patients, opd counselling, gynaecological case taking, examination, deliveries, cesearian section, major and minor operative procedures, ayurvedic minor procedures.
Spacious Department for prasutitantra – strioga is present in college building. Departmental library contains all essential ayurveda & modern books for students. Essential teaching aids are presents. Charts and modules for educational purpose are present.
- We have a equiped opd and experienced gynaecologists at prasuti & striroga dept.
- Ayurvedic & modern treatment for Infertility, normal labour, menstrual disorders, puberty diseases, perimenopausal diseases.
- Panchkarama facility necessary for gynaecological treatment.
- Saparate section for ayurvedic minor procedures is available.
- Ayurvedic minor procedures like uttarbasti, yonidhawana, yogbasti, yonipichu dharana, ksharpratisarana, IUI are doing regularly.
- Normal delivery with essential aids for assisted labour is available.
- Specialy for gynaec & obstetric patients 15 bedded gynaec Ipd is present.
- Well equipped labour room.
- Facility of cesarean section is available.
- Facility of major and minor gynaecological procedures.
- Garbhasanskar consultation & advices are given.